Konjac-Mannan and American Ginseng: Emerging Alternative Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Vladimir Vuksan, PhD, John L Sievenpiper, MSc, Zheng Xu, MD, MSc, Evelyn Y.Y. Wong, MSc, Alexandra L Jenkins, RD, Uljana Beljan-Zdravkovic MD, MSc, Lawrence A Leiter, MD, Robert G Josse, MBBS, Mark P Stavro, MSc
Department of Nutritional Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario; Clinical Nutrition and Risk Factor Modification Centre (V.V., J.L.S., Z.X., E.Y.Y.W., U.B.Z., A.L.J., L.A.L., R.G.J., M.P.S.) and Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology (V.V., L.A.L., R.G.J.), St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA [v.vuksan@utoronto.ca ]
Despite significant achievements in treatment modalities and preventive measures, the prevalence of diabetes has risen exponentially in the last decade. Because of these limitations there is a continued need for new and more effective therapies. An increasing number of people are using dietary and herbal supplements, even though there is a general lack of evidence for their safety and efficacy. Continue reading →